Antique Automobile Club of America
International Organization


The Antique Automobile Club of America is an international organization with members in all 50 states and in more than 50 countries around the world. The constitution and by-laws of the AACA form the basis for the organization and operation of the club. The AACA is incorporated under the provisions of the Nonprofit Corporation Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with a business office located at 501 West Governor Road, P.O. Box 417, Hershey, Pennsylvania 17033-0417.

Leadership is vested in a board of directors consisting of 21 national directors, each serving a three-year term, with one-third being elected by the general membership each year. The national officers, which include the President, Executive Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer, are elected national directors. There are over 400 AACA regions and chapters. These groups provide local activities and represent AACA in their areas.


The aim of the AACA is the perpetuation of the pioneer days of automobiling by furthering the interest in and preserving of antique automobiles, and the promotion of sportsmanship and of good fellowship among all AACA members. The AACA uses the term "automobile" in a comprehensive sense to include all self-propelled vehicles intended for passenger use (cars, race vehicles, trucks, fire vehicles, motorcycles, powered bicycles, etc.). Similarly, the term includes various power sources, such as gasoline, diesel, steam and electric.

The AACA exists to support the mutual interests of its members. It provides a comprehensive activities program which is available to all members and their families. The public is encouraged to take an interest in the organized activities, meets, and tours, however, direct participation is limited to AACA members... and VMCCA members in the case of the Glidden Tours®. The AACA publishes several different types of periodicals and documents, including the ANTIQUE AUTOMOBILE, which is a magazine, and The Rummage Box. The AACA Library and Research Center, a separate corporate entity, supports research and restoration efforts.

It is the desire of the AACA to do everything possible through the national office, publications and the Library and Research Center to aid individuals, museums, libraries, historians and collectors dedicated to the preservation of automotive history. The purpose of the AACA is to provide an organization for members with a mutual interest in the antique automobile hobby. While recognizing the importance of commercial enterprises which are critical to the accomplishment of our independent and collective goals, the AACA maintains a strict disassociation from any commercial or charitable enterprise.

The AACA achieves its objectives through the collective resources of its international membership.regions and chapters support the interests of the members on a local basis. AACA members, directors, and officers are expected to maintain the highest level of relations with the community at large.

AACA International (click link)