In 1955 a group of men including Aubrey Marshall, Ron Fawcett, Jim Allward and Herman Smith were at an automotive meet at the Exhibition grounds in Toronto. A letter requesting a charter was composed on the tailgate of a truck and later mailed to the AACA National Office in Pennsylvania. On October 7th, 1955 we were granted a Charter as Ontario Region.
We like to take pride in the fact that we are a friendly, family oriented club that welcomes all who have a true love of automobiles and the eras they represent. Each and every new member brings with them new ideas, experiences, and skills which are always cordially received by our members.
Ownership of a vehicle is not required to belong to our organization. However, sooner or later you're sure to be bitten by the "Buy & Restore Bug".
At our local level we encourage active participation by all members in all Club events including fundraising events such as our Lindsay Flea Market, monthly meetings, day & weekend tours, car shows, picnics, parades, annual general meeting and national tours. All of these events involve a great group of people with the passion for antique automobiles and friendship.
Membership includes a monthly newsletter and a bi-monthly glossy magazine from the National, along with access to the National Library in Hershey, PA.
Don't miss the 54th AACA Automotive Flea Market & Car Show now held in Lindsay Ontario May 24 & May 25th, 2025. Make sure you're a part of the fun this year! Click on the link for more information on this event!